Ask Dr. Lea is a weekly online counseling where you can benefit from our three counseling services from the comfort of your home.
You can schedule now a phone call, a teletherapy session, or simply post your questions. Please note that the first two questions are for free, and replies are for informational and counseling purposes only.
Ask Dr. Lea is not an emergency or a therapy service, and it is not suitable for addressing suicidal intent. If you are feeling suicidal, please consider contacting your doctor immediately. In case you don’t have one, we will provide you with our list of psychiatrists who are ready to help you.
Phone Call
You can now schedule your phone session and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Post Question
Email us your questions and we will answer you as soon as possible.
You can now schedule your teletherapy session from the comfort of your home
We care about your privacy, you can make sure that our website has advanced security measures.